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Homework for Lesson Particularidades de los textos jurídicos

Assignments for lesson "Particularidades de los textos jurídicos"

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Significado de latinismos

Une las palabra  expresiones en inglés con su equivalente en latín y realiza su traducción al español. Se muestra un ejemplo en el primer renglón. Intention |  Fault  |  With the will annexed |  Slightest  |  Fault  |  By the day  | Before a marriage |  Duces tecum | De novo |  By the fact itself | Preliminary
Latín Inglés Traducción al español
Alibi Elsewhere Coartada
Cum testament anexo    
Per diem    
De novo    
Duces tecum    
Ipso facto    
In limine    

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Significados diferentes en contexto

  1. Terms with special meaning in a legal context
Find the general (dictionary) and the specialized meaning of the following terms (see example). Use a law dictionary to find the specialized meaning in Spanish.
Term General meaning Specialized meaning
Action Acción (ES) Proceso judicial; demanda (ES)  
2. Phrases in General Context Read the following sentences drawn from a general context. Look at the general meaning of the terms in italics and translate the phrases into Spanish. I’ve provided an example. Model: The attorney stood up and addressed the jury El abogado se puso de pie para dirigirse al jurado
  •  The hotel provides only bed and breakfast
  • The police found new evidence
  • We only have instant coffee
  • It was a great relief to the parents when their daughter returned home safely
  3. Phrases in Legal Context Now complete the following phrases using the appropriate word in italics above, but with a legal meaning, then translate into Spanish. These words should have a different meaning in this legal context. I’ve provided an example.   Model: The problems of long delays in immigration court will have to be addressed Se tendrán que abordar los problemas de retrasos en los Tribunales de Migración  
  • The judge heard enough                             to punish the defendant with imprisonment
  • The Supreme Court held that this case law didn’t apply in the                             case
  • The statue  for the mandatory use of seat belts
  • The judge refused to grant                                           to the plaintiff

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Doublets and Triplets

Look for the meaning of the following doublets and triplets in specialized dictionaries and try to find the closest equivalent in your target language (one word only if possible) without losing meaning.
Doublets Meaning or explanation Translation into TL (one word if possible)
Accord and satisfaction    
Act and deed    
Agree and covenant    
Aid and abet    
Due and payable    
Null and void    
Will and testament    
Triplets Meaning or explanation Translation into TL (one word if possible)
Cancel, annul, and set aside    
Give, devise, and bequeath    
Hold, possess, and enjoy    
Ready, able and willing    

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